Welcome to our new website!

Lobster class

 Our lovely teaching team are
Miss Ashley Cooper
Mrs. Meacock, Mrs. Boston and Mrs. Fletcher
Novel Study

This cat must learn to fight! Varjak Paw is a Mesopotamian Blue kitten. He lives high up in an old house on a hill. He's never left home, but then his grandfather tells him about the Way - a secret martial art for cats. 'There are Seven Skills in the way of Jalal,' whispered the Elder Paw. 'We know only three of them. Their names are these. Slow-Time. Moving Circles. Shadow-walking.'



Now Varjak must use the Way to survive in a city full of dangerous dogs, cat gangs and, strangest of all, the mysterious Vanishings 

The White Rose Education units the children will be learning this half term are:
Topic - Geography
Children will learn why earthquakes occur, what can be learnt from famous earthquakes, why some earthquakes are bigger than others, their effects on people and places and the help that people need before or after earthquakes.
The children in Lobster Year 3 love to read and talk about the books they have read.  Below is the link to the 'Mevagissey's Marvellous Padlet' where the children can also add their comments about their favourite books. 
Our learning focus this half term is:
Living Things and Their Habitats (Beach Focus)
Children will be taught to recognise that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways. They will explore and use classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things in their local and wider environment.
Children will recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things.