Our lovely teaching team are
Miss Ashley Cooper and Mrs Ball
Novel Study
This half term we are reading and writing using our novel The Firework-Maker's Daughter written by Philip Pullman.
Lila, the Firework-Maker's daughter, wants to become as skilled as her father. There are secrets and adventures to be discovered in this exciting and sometimes very funny story.
The White Rose Education units the children will be learning this half term are:
Addition and Subtraction
Multiplication and Division B
Topics this half term:
Geography - Settlements
History - The Indus Civilisation
RE - Living Hindu traditions
Our learning focus this half term is: Light
Children will recognise that they need light in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light. They will notice that light is reflected from surfaces.
Children will recognise that light from the sun can be dangerous and that there are ways to protect their eyes. They will recognise that shadows are formed when the light from a light source is blocked by an opaque object.
Children will also find patterns in the way that the size of shadows change.
The children in Lobster Year 3 love to read and talk about the books they have read. Below is the link to the 'Mevagissey's Marvellous Padlet' where the children can also add their comments about their favourite books.